We believe that housing is the first step for people experiencing homelessness to transform their lives. When people start from a place of safety and stability with appropriate supports, issues like health, mental health, addictions, employment, and social problems can be addressed more successfully. Our mission is a home for everyone in our community.
Our Housing First model also makes dollars and sense.
When we provide permanent affordable housing with supports to vulnerable Calgarians, we see a 41% decrease in public systems usage. For every $1 spent on our Housing First programs in Calgary, we save $1.16 – $2.86*.
This is a huge impact for our community.
View our Report to Community and our Financials
(*Source: Calgary Homeless Foundation, 2019).
HomeSpace is a charitable affordable housing provider for Calgary’s most vulnerable people.
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Tax receipts will be issued from our donations portal CanadaHelps for amounts at or over $25.